1.How to Set the Default View for a Share Link?
When sharing cloud storage files or folders, you can add specific parameters to the share link to control the default view (list view, grid view, or flow view) and the file sorting method (by name, time, or size). This helps provide visitors with a more intuitive and expected browsing experience.
1. Basic Link Format
The standard share link format is as follows:
You can append query parameters to customize the display, for example:
2. Supported Parameters
Here are the available parameters and their descriptions:
- view (Default View)
- list: List view
- grid: Grid view
- flow: Flow view
Example: ?view=grid - order (Sorting Method)
- name_asc: Sort by file name (A-Z)
- name_desc: Sort by file name (Z-A)
- mod_asc: Sort by modification time (oldest to newest)
- mod_desc: Sort by modification time (newest to oldest)
- size_asc: Sort by file size (smallest to largest)
- size_desc: Sort by file size (largest to smallest)
Example: ?order=time_desc
3. Example of Combined Usage
You can combine multiple parameters to control both the view and sorting method. For example: https://mypikpak.com/s/VOIQ0QFrIMiPE8EFPZYJKKxpo1?view=list&order=size_desc
The above link will open in list view and sort files in descending order by size.
4. Notes
- Use `&` to connect multiple parameters.
- Unsupported parameters will be ignored and will not affect access.
- If no parameters are added, the system will use the default view and sorting settings.
By using these parameters, you can have greater control over how the shared page is displayed, enhancing the experience for visitors.