I have been using PikPak normally all along, why am I receiving the 'Exceeded Transfer Quota' notifi

You can investigate the cause using the following steps:
1. Please first check if your account has been compromised. If there are any suspicions, we recommend changing your account password as soon as possible.
2. Confirm whether your account has been shared with others. We strongly advise against sharing or trading accounts, as this may not only result in restricted transfers but also violate the user agreement, potentially leading to account suspension.
3. Verify if you are using PikPak through unofficial third-party applications or websites. These applications or websites are not controlled by PikPak, and there might be abuse of traffic. We recommend using official PikPak products at all times.
4. If you are certain that none of the above situations apply, please submit User Feedback detailing your situation. We will do our best to investigate on your behalf.