Shared File from 1g7h**9epk
Permanent Validity
- Project_Files.rar121.9 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 06. Creating and adding materials.mp453.9 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 02. Interface overview.mp441.4 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 05. Adding game objects to the scene.mp436.8 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 12. Assembling a player character.mp436.7 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 08. Creating prefabs.mp433.5 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 09. Creating the final maze.mp431.1 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 03. Creating terrains.mp431.0 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 07. Adding components.mp430.1 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 10. Detailing the terrain.mp428.9 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 11. Adding lights.mp424.0 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 04. Importing assets.mp419.8 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 13. Final assignment.mp411.4 MB__-__-__ __:__
- 01. Introduction an project overview.mp47.4 MB__-__-__ __:__