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- G. Kreisel (auth.), Patrick Suppes (eds.) - Logic and Probability in Quantum Mechanics.pdf22.2 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes (auth.), James Leach, Robert Butts, Glenn Pearce (eds.) - Science, Decision and Value.pdf21.6 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Leon Henkin, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski (eds.) - The Axiomatic Method_With Special Reference to Geometry and Physics.pdf17.5 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes (auth.) - Studies in the Methodology and Foundations of Science_Selected Papers from 1951 to 1969.pdf12.9 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Jaakko Hintikka and Patrick Suppes (eds.) - Aspects of Inductive Logic.pdf8.8 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes, David H. Krantz, R. Duncan Luce, Amos Tversky - Foundations of Measurement (Volume II)_Geometrical, Threshold and Probabilistic Representations.pdf6.8 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes (auth.), Radu J. Bogdan (eds.) - Patrick Suppes.pdf17.2 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Zoltan Domotor (auth.), Patrick Suppes (eds.) - Space, Time and Geometry.pdf11.9 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Karl Popper, David Miller (auth.), Paul Humphreys (eds.) - Patrick Suppes_Scientific Philosopher (Volume 1)_Probability and Probabilistic Causality.pdf8.1 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski - Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science_Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress.pdf10.0 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes, Leon Henkin, Athanase Joja and Gr C. Moisil (eds.) - Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science.pdf14.0 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes - Axiomatic Set Theory.pdf5.3 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes and Mona Morningstar (auth.) - Computer-Assisted Instruction At Stanford, 1966-68_Data, Models, and Evaluation of the Arithmetic Programs.pdf17.4 MB__-__-__ __:__
- R. Duncan Luce, David H. Krantz, Patrick Suppes, Amos Tversky - Foundations of Measurement (Volume III)_Representation, Axiomatization, and Invariance.pdf6.0 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Jaakko Hintikka (auth.), Jaakko Hintikka, Patrick Suppes (eds.) - Information and Inference.pdf28.4 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes (auth.) - Models and Methods in the Philosophy of Science_Selected Essays.pdf10.4 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes (auth.), Edward E. Roskam (eds.) - Mathematical Psychology in Progress.pdf8.5 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes - Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures.pdf7.5 MB__-__-__ __:__
- Patrick Suppes (auth.), Wilfried Sieg (eds.) - Acting and Reflecting_The Interdisciplinary Turn in Philosophy.pdf5.0 MB__-__-__ __:__